PA Chapter By-Laws
Revised August 2020
Section 1.
This organization shall be known as the American Choral Directors Association of Pennsylvania (ACDA-PA)
Section 2.
The American Choral Directors Association of Pennsylvania is a state chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)
ARTICLE II - Purposes
ARTICLE III - Membership
Section 1.
Membership eligibility, methods of admission, privileges, tenure, and dues shall be as prescribed in the Constitution and Bylaws of the national association.
ARTICLE IV - Autonomy and Organization
Section 1.
The fundamental authority and responsibility of the Association shall reside in the corporate active membership and shall be exercised by the free expression and vote of each individual member, by representative legislative powers vested in the Board of Directors, and by the executive powers delegated to officers.
Section 2.
Neither any member of the Board of Directors, nor any appointed officer or representative of the Association, nor any member shall be required to accept financial responsibility for duly authorized activities of the Association carried on in good faith and in pursuit of the purposes and activities prescribed or authorized by the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 3.
No official action involving ACDA membership may be taken without a regularly constituted or specially invoked meeting of the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE V - Board of Directors
Section 1.
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the Executive Committee and Repertoire & Resource Coordinators and Chairs.
Section 2.
The Board of Directors of ACDA-PA shall resign at the conclusion of each President's term. No letter of resignation is required. Members of the Board of Directors may serve consecutive terms and may be reappointed by the incoming President.
ARTICLE VI - Executive Committee
Section 1.
The officers of ACDA-PA shall include President, Past-President, President-Elect, President-Elect Designate, Treasurer, Secretary, Communication, Membership, Continuing Ed., Choral Development Chair, and the Conference Chair. The four presidential positions are elected positions, while all others are appointed. These eleven officers constitute the executive committee. The Executive Committee shall have the power to transact the general business of the Chapter, shall be responsible for the management and control of its funds, and shall be empowered to appoint assistants to any of the officers of the state association. It shall serve in the government of the state chapter.
ARTICLE VII - Officers
Section 1.
The ACDA-PA President-Elect Designate shall be elected in January of even-numbered years and serve a term of one year beginning July 1 of that year. At the end of his/her term, the President-Elect Designate shall automatically succeed to the office of President-Elect.
Section 2.
The ACDA-PA President-Elect shall serve a term of two years beginning July 1 of the odd-numbered year. At the end of his/her term, the President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of President.
Section 3.
The President shall serve a term of two years beginning July 1 of odd-numbered years. At the end of his/her term, the President shall automatically succeed to the office of Past-President, serving a two-year term.
Section 4.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Past-President or President-Elect shall serve the balance of the unexpired term at the discretion of the national President-Elect with the advice of the Region President.
Section 5.
The Secretary and Treasurer may serve consecutive terms and may be reappointed by the incoming President.
Section 1.
Business meetings of ACDA-PA shall be held at least three times a year at a time and venue to be determined by the President. One meeting per year will occur in conjunction with the ACDA-PA state conference.
Section 2.
Other meetings of the officers or Board of Directors may be called by the President.
Section 1.
The quorum of the Executive committee shall be one half of the voting members of that committee.
Section 2.
The quorum of the Board of Directors shall be defined as members of the Board, including four members of the Executive Committee, two of whom must hold elected offices [President, Past-President, President-Elect, President-Elect Designate].
ARTICLE X - Voting
Section 1.
Motions shall be approved or amended by a vote of a simple majority of board members.
Section 2.
All issues affecting financial matters or general policy shall be brought to a vote of the Board of Directors through a motion.
Section 3.
When the board cannot be summoned for a vote, the President may call an electronic vote (e.g. by email). Changes in financial matters or general policy may be decided by the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE XI - Amendments
Section 1.
Amendments and/or revisions to this document may be initiated by any person serving on the Board of Directors.
Section 2.
This document may be amended or revised by an approving vote of a simple majority of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE I - Duties of Board of Directors
Section 1.
The Board of Directors shall serve as the legislative and policy-making body of ACDA-PA and shall serve in the government of the chapter.
ARTICLE II - Duties of Executive Committee
Section 1.
The Executive Committee shall hire personnel as needed to assist with the running of the chapter. This committee may also terminate employment when warranted.
ARTICLE III - Duties of Officers
Section 1.
The President shall serve as the chief executive officer and shall be responsible for the implementation of ACDA-PA activities and policies
Section 2.
The President shall participate in meetings of the Assembly of State Presidents at the Regional and National levels.
Section 3.
The President shall be responsible for all funds received. Complete budgets and reports shall be submitted to the Region President in the annual report.
Section 4.
The President-Elect shall assist the President in the administration of the state association.
Section 5.
The Past-President shall serve as advisor to other state officers.
Section 6.
The Secretary shall take and distribute meeting notes and serve as a member of the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall keep the files and archives of the organization.
Section 7.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters associated with ACDA-PA.
Section 8.
The Treasurer shall provide the organization's books to a Certified Public Accountant for yearly audit.
ARTICLE IV - Elections
Section 1.
A nomination committee shall be convened in August of odd-numbered years by the President. The committee shall consist of three to five members including no fewer than two ACDA-PA past presidents, and two nominees shall be chosen.
Section 2.
Election information shall include a professional biography and picture of each nominee, as well as a vision statement.
Section 3.
Ballots shall be distributed to active, life, and retired ACDA-PA members. A closing date shall be clearly posted.
Section 4.
Completed ballots shall be returned to and counted by a neutral non-member to ensure consistency and fairness.
Section 5.
The Communications Chair shall assume responsibility for the preparation and mailing of the ballot.
ARTICLE V - Endorsement Policy
Section 1.
ACDA-PA is willing to allow its name to be used in the endorsement of events sponsored by other agencies. Conditions for endorsement are that: event organizers and/or presenters must be members of ACDA; the event is designed for an ACDA-PA region or state audience, or an eastern region or national audience; the name of ACDA-PA may be used in promotional and event materials only; endorsement must be approved by a vote of the ACDA-PA Board of Directors.
Section 2.
Each request for endorsement should include a full description and schedule of the event.
Section 3.
Each event will be evaluated on its potential contribution to the professional enrichment of the ACDA-PA membership.
Section 4.
Endorsement does not include monetary support or contribution by ACDA-PA.
Section 5.
Endorsement entitles the other agency to offer ACT 48 credit through ACDA-PA, as well as insurance coverage by way of the ACDA-PA insurance broker.
Section 6.
Requests for official endorsement for for-profit organizations will be considered on an individual basis and reviewed annually. A fee for endorsement may be assessed.
Section 7.
Sponsorship – ACDA-PA may elect to sponsor its own events. Activities or events “sponsored” by ACDA-PA are those for which ACDA-PA is responsible for both the planning and the finances. Examples of sponsored events would include our annual summer conference and various honor choirs as well as some events developed by R&R chairs.
ARTICLE VI - Duties of the Treasurer
Section 1.
Refer to “Treasurer Handbook” on national website for specific duties.
ARTICLE VII - Fiscal Policies and Procedures
Section 1.
Each state president shall be responsible for the integrity and soundness of state fiscal operations. He/she may appoint a state treasurer to assist.
Section 2.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial affairs of the chapter as governed by policies set forth by the Board of Directors. These may include, but are not limited to, paying bills and reimbursements, receiving and depositing funds, managing bank accounts, record keeping, and preparing budgets.
Section 3.
The chapter shall adhere to guidelines for fiscal procedures specified by the current Financial Policies and Procedures document published by ACDA-National.
Section 4.
The Treasurer shall produce quarterly and annual reports that include accounting of all of the financial activity of the chapter. These reports will be submitted to the Board of Directors and the Region Accountant.
ARTICLE VIII - Contracts and Agreements
Section 1.
All ACDA-PA contracts must be reviewed and approved by the National Executive Director before any state officer can officially sign them and legally bind ACDA financially.
ARTICLE IX - Budgets
Section 1.
All ACDA-PA event chairs must submit a budget for approval by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE X - Honoraria and Fees
Section 1.
Refer to “Financial Policies and Procedures” on national website.
Revised August 2020
Section 1.
This organization shall be known as the American Choral Directors Association of Pennsylvania (ACDA-PA)
Section 2.
The American Choral Directors Association of Pennsylvania is a state chapter of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)
ARTICLE II - Purposes
- To foster and promote choral singing which will provide artistic, cultural, and spiritual experiences for the participants;
- To foster and promote the finest types of choral music to make these experiences possible;
- To foster and encourage rehearsal procedures conducive to attaining the highest possible level of musicianship and artistic performance;
- To foster and promote the development of choral groups of all types in schools and colleges;
- To foster and promote the development of choral music in worship settings;
- To foster and promote the development of choral organizations in cities and communities;
- To foster and promote understanding of choral music as an important medium of contemporary artistic expression;
- To foster and promote significant research in the field of choral music;
- To foster and encourage choral composition of superior quality;
- To cooperate with organizations dedicated to the development of musical culture;
- To foster and promote international exchange programs involving performing groups, conductors, and composers;
- To disseminate professional news and information about choral music;
- To foster and promote the development of aspiring choral conductors;
- To foster and promote collegiality among the membership;
ARTICLE III - Membership
Section 1.
Membership eligibility, methods of admission, privileges, tenure, and dues shall be as prescribed in the Constitution and Bylaws of the national association.
ARTICLE IV - Autonomy and Organization
Section 1.
The fundamental authority and responsibility of the Association shall reside in the corporate active membership and shall be exercised by the free expression and vote of each individual member, by representative legislative powers vested in the Board of Directors, and by the executive powers delegated to officers.
Section 2.
Neither any member of the Board of Directors, nor any appointed officer or representative of the Association, nor any member shall be required to accept financial responsibility for duly authorized activities of the Association carried on in good faith and in pursuit of the purposes and activities prescribed or authorized by the Constitution and Bylaws.
Section 3.
No official action involving ACDA membership may be taken without a regularly constituted or specially invoked meeting of the Executive Committee and/or the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE V - Board of Directors
Section 1.
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the Executive Committee and Repertoire & Resource Coordinators and Chairs.
Section 2.
The Board of Directors of ACDA-PA shall resign at the conclusion of each President's term. No letter of resignation is required. Members of the Board of Directors may serve consecutive terms and may be reappointed by the incoming President.
ARTICLE VI - Executive Committee
Section 1.
The officers of ACDA-PA shall include President, Past-President, President-Elect, President-Elect Designate, Treasurer, Secretary, Communication, Membership, Continuing Ed., Choral Development Chair, and the Conference Chair. The four presidential positions are elected positions, while all others are appointed. These eleven officers constitute the executive committee. The Executive Committee shall have the power to transact the general business of the Chapter, shall be responsible for the management and control of its funds, and shall be empowered to appoint assistants to any of the officers of the state association. It shall serve in the government of the state chapter.
ARTICLE VII - Officers
Section 1.
The ACDA-PA President-Elect Designate shall be elected in January of even-numbered years and serve a term of one year beginning July 1 of that year. At the end of his/her term, the President-Elect Designate shall automatically succeed to the office of President-Elect.
Section 2.
The ACDA-PA President-Elect shall serve a term of two years beginning July 1 of the odd-numbered year. At the end of his/her term, the President-Elect shall automatically succeed to the office of President.
Section 3.
The President shall serve a term of two years beginning July 1 of odd-numbered years. At the end of his/her term, the President shall automatically succeed to the office of Past-President, serving a two-year term.
Section 4.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Past-President or President-Elect shall serve the balance of the unexpired term at the discretion of the national President-Elect with the advice of the Region President.
Section 5.
The Secretary and Treasurer may serve consecutive terms and may be reappointed by the incoming President.
Section 1.
Business meetings of ACDA-PA shall be held at least three times a year at a time and venue to be determined by the President. One meeting per year will occur in conjunction with the ACDA-PA state conference.
Section 2.
Other meetings of the officers or Board of Directors may be called by the President.
Section 1.
The quorum of the Executive committee shall be one half of the voting members of that committee.
Section 2.
The quorum of the Board of Directors shall be defined as members of the Board, including four members of the Executive Committee, two of whom must hold elected offices [President, Past-President, President-Elect, President-Elect Designate].
ARTICLE X - Voting
Section 1.
Motions shall be approved or amended by a vote of a simple majority of board members.
Section 2.
All issues affecting financial matters or general policy shall be brought to a vote of the Board of Directors through a motion.
Section 3.
When the board cannot be summoned for a vote, the President may call an electronic vote (e.g. by email). Changes in financial matters or general policy may be decided by the Executive Committee.
ARTICLE XI - Amendments
Section 1.
Amendments and/or revisions to this document may be initiated by any person serving on the Board of Directors.
Section 2.
This document may be amended or revised by an approving vote of a simple majority of the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE I - Duties of Board of Directors
Section 1.
The Board of Directors shall serve as the legislative and policy-making body of ACDA-PA and shall serve in the government of the chapter.
ARTICLE II - Duties of Executive Committee
Section 1.
The Executive Committee shall hire personnel as needed to assist with the running of the chapter. This committee may also terminate employment when warranted.
ARTICLE III - Duties of Officers
Section 1.
The President shall serve as the chief executive officer and shall be responsible for the implementation of ACDA-PA activities and policies
Section 2.
The President shall participate in meetings of the Assembly of State Presidents at the Regional and National levels.
Section 3.
The President shall be responsible for all funds received. Complete budgets and reports shall be submitted to the Region President in the annual report.
Section 4.
The President-Elect shall assist the President in the administration of the state association.
Section 5.
The Past-President shall serve as advisor to other state officers.
Section 6.
The Secretary shall take and distribute meeting notes and serve as a member of the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall keep the files and archives of the organization.
Section 7.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial matters associated with ACDA-PA.
Section 8.
The Treasurer shall provide the organization's books to a Certified Public Accountant for yearly audit.
ARTICLE IV - Elections
Section 1.
A nomination committee shall be convened in August of odd-numbered years by the President. The committee shall consist of three to five members including no fewer than two ACDA-PA past presidents, and two nominees shall be chosen.
Section 2.
Election information shall include a professional biography and picture of each nominee, as well as a vision statement.
Section 3.
Ballots shall be distributed to active, life, and retired ACDA-PA members. A closing date shall be clearly posted.
Section 4.
Completed ballots shall be returned to and counted by a neutral non-member to ensure consistency and fairness.
Section 5.
The Communications Chair shall assume responsibility for the preparation and mailing of the ballot.
ARTICLE V - Endorsement Policy
Section 1.
ACDA-PA is willing to allow its name to be used in the endorsement of events sponsored by other agencies. Conditions for endorsement are that: event organizers and/or presenters must be members of ACDA; the event is designed for an ACDA-PA region or state audience, or an eastern region or national audience; the name of ACDA-PA may be used in promotional and event materials only; endorsement must be approved by a vote of the ACDA-PA Board of Directors.
Section 2.
Each request for endorsement should include a full description and schedule of the event.
Section 3.
Each event will be evaluated on its potential contribution to the professional enrichment of the ACDA-PA membership.
Section 4.
Endorsement does not include monetary support or contribution by ACDA-PA.
Section 5.
Endorsement entitles the other agency to offer ACT 48 credit through ACDA-PA, as well as insurance coverage by way of the ACDA-PA insurance broker.
Section 6.
Requests for official endorsement for for-profit organizations will be considered on an individual basis and reviewed annually. A fee for endorsement may be assessed.
Section 7.
Sponsorship – ACDA-PA may elect to sponsor its own events. Activities or events “sponsored” by ACDA-PA are those for which ACDA-PA is responsible for both the planning and the finances. Examples of sponsored events would include our annual summer conference and various honor choirs as well as some events developed by R&R chairs.
ARTICLE VI - Duties of the Treasurer
Section 1.
Refer to “Treasurer Handbook” on national website for specific duties.
ARTICLE VII - Fiscal Policies and Procedures
Section 1.
Each state president shall be responsible for the integrity and soundness of state fiscal operations. He/she may appoint a state treasurer to assist.
Section 2.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial affairs of the chapter as governed by policies set forth by the Board of Directors. These may include, but are not limited to, paying bills and reimbursements, receiving and depositing funds, managing bank accounts, record keeping, and preparing budgets.
Section 3.
The chapter shall adhere to guidelines for fiscal procedures specified by the current Financial Policies and Procedures document published by ACDA-National.
Section 4.
The Treasurer shall produce quarterly and annual reports that include accounting of all of the financial activity of the chapter. These reports will be submitted to the Board of Directors and the Region Accountant.
ARTICLE VIII - Contracts and Agreements
Section 1.
All ACDA-PA contracts must be reviewed and approved by the National Executive Director before any state officer can officially sign them and legally bind ACDA financially.
ARTICLE IX - Budgets
Section 1.
All ACDA-PA event chairs must submit a budget for approval by the Board of Directors.
ARTICLE X - Honoraria and Fees
Section 1.
Refer to “Financial Policies and Procedures” on national website.