![]() We are pleased to announce the addition of an online member bulletin board and discussion forum to this website. Click on the Connect menu item to visit our new way to keep in touch with members from across the commonwealth. Several years back, ChoralNet had a "Communities" feature that allowed individual state chapters to create a channel to communicate with each other. As ChoralNet has made upgrades, the Communities feature disappeared. ChoralNet is still a great way to collaborate with ACDA members across the country, but for more localized things like sharing events, searching for musicians, calling for volunteers, and asking questions from area colleagues, ACDA-PA CONNECT will fill that void! Create a profile today and start posting. Categories currently available include: general discussion, announcements, classifieds, Repertoire & Resources boards for our 4 areas, and a Student Chapter section for our collegiate membership to communicate. You can customize your notification settings as well to receive emails when someone responds to your question or thread. So, post away and be a part of the online community at ACDA-PA CONNECT! Comments are closed.
November 2024